Mumia Abu-Jamal praises pro-Palestine student activists

A man with dreads and a beard.

In an address to students at the City University of New York on Friday night, the incarcerated Black political activist Mumia Abu-Jamal praised the pro-Palestinian growing at U.S. colleges as being on the right side of history. “It is a wonderful thing that you have decided not to be silent and decided to speak out…

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The issue is key in a Sundown Town, where Blacks couldn’t live

A person sleeping on the ground in front of a building.

The U.S. Supreme Court is taking on the issue of homelessness, which affects large numbers of Black people nationwide because, as a group, we comprise the nation’s largest homeless population.  On Monday, the court argued whether local officials could ban homeless men and women from sleeping in the city’s public parks by charging them a…

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