Alvin Bragg has a tough fight ahead after a grand jury indicted former President Donald Trump

I went to Chicago’s Auditorium Theatre many years ago to see Muhammed Ali fight George Forman. I shouted, yelled, and screamed. I was totally invested in the event, and I was out of control. 

The fight ended with Muhammad Ali winning. Chicago’s elevated train pulled up behind the Auditorium Theater.

The motorman opened the door and yelled “Who won the fight?† We all screamed, “Ali!† Everyone on the el train also started shouting “Ali, Ali, Ali!”

On Tuesday, Alvin Bragg, Manhattan District Attorney, has a much tougher fight after filing charges against former President Donald Trump. 

Bragg indicted Trump for reportedly paying porn star Stormy Daniels $130, 000 to keep their sexual liaison secret.

Bragg has filed 30 complaints against Trump, and we won’t know the nature of the charges brought until Trump’s arraignment in New York on Tuesday.

Like anyone else appearing for an arraignment, Trump will be read his Miranda rights, fingerprinted, and booked.

With his characteristic bravado made of little more than hot air, Trump has made his usual move to control the narrative by portraying himself as a victim of persecution and is using his indictment to raise money for his 2024 presidential campaign and legal expenses.

Many years ago, I read that Black men had â€œNo Rights Which the White Man was Bound to Respect.â€

U. S. Chief Justice Roger Taney wrote that statement following the Dred Scott Decision in 1857. Among the chief justices, he was one of the most racist of a racist lot.

I am convinced that Trump believes that although he surrounds himself with Kanye West, who fawns over him, saying “I love this man,” he is not prejudiced.

Trump even dated Black women who were likely raised by mothers who encouraged them to find a “good White man,†especially if that White man is wealthy.

I strongly believe that Trump doesn’t have any respect for Black men.  

He proved it when Barack Obama was elected president.

He told everyone who would listen that Obama wasn’t born in the U.S., the fundamental requirement for running for president.

After the Central Park Five convictions were overturned in a case involving a brutal sexual assault of a White female jogger, Trump took out a full newspaper ad arguing that New York should bring back the death penalty.  The five young men who had been coerced into pleading guilty to the heinous crime and who served more than a decade in prison were Black and Brown.

Years ago, a White friend told me that White men don’t believe Black men are as good as any White man.

Now he and his cronies are going after Bragg, which includes telling lies that the crime rate in New York has gone up when it has gone down. Bragg, whose life may be in danger, now has additional security to protect him. 

Trump is scheduled to turn himself in on August 4, the same day fifty years ago that Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated.

Bragg, however, won’t turn the other cheek.
