Newspapers kicked the cartoon “Dibert” to the curb after calling “Blacks a hate group” and saying they are “lazy”

The comic strip “Dibert†has been dropped by 77 newspapers and counting around the country because of the racist comments by its creator, including calling Blacks a hate group.

Scott Adams called Black Americans a “hate group”. He said White Americans “get the hell away from Black people” in response to a conservative organization’s poll purporting to show that many African Americans do not think it’s OK to be white.

He commented on how much he disliked and hated Blacks on YouTube on February 22.

“If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people … that’s a hate group,” Adams said on his YouTube channel on Wednesday. “And I don’t want to have anything to do with them.” He also called  Black people lazy and unable to succeed in society, resolving not to help them anymore.

The comic strip, launched in 1989, will no longer be carried by the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the USA Today-affiliated group of newspapers, and others, the newspapers announced in statements on Friday and Saturday.

Scores of newspapers have dropped Dilbert, according to Daily Mail. It is sold in 57 countries and is published in 19 languages.

On Saturday, the Los Angeles Times said it would drop the strip, indicating that Adams had made offensive remarks in a YouTube post that the Times unequivocally rejects.

Further, in the last nine months, The Times has printed a rerun of the comic on four occasions when the new daily strip did not meet their standards. It will be discontinued effective Monday in most editions. But because Sunday Comics are printed in advance, “Dilbert†will appear for the last time in the March 12 paper. 
