Police killed a double amputee by shooting him in the back

Police shot and killed a double amputee by shooting him in the back after he stabbed someone with a butcher knife he was holding.

Police shot and killed Anthony Lowe after he stabbed a man, Ramiro, who didn’t want his last name used, crossing the street.

Lowe jumped out of his wheelchair and stabbed him. 

Police got a call that someone had been stabbed. Officers used Tasers to subdue Lowe, and when they were unable to do so, or so they claimed, they shot him, Huntington Park Police said in a statement. 

The mother of the Lowe’s son said that Anthony Lowe was depressed after losing both legs.

Lowe got out of his wheelchair, hobbling along the street away from Black and White cops from Huntington Park Police. Before shooting him, the cops kicked his wheelchair out from under him. He moved away on his stumps, his back turned to the cops who pursued him.

Lowe was shot 11 times in the back. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
