Marilyn Mosby, former Baltimore State’s Attorney, has been convicted 

Supporters of former Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby mailed a letter to President Joe Biden asking him to pardon Mosby following her conviction for making a false mortgage application while she was city attorney.

On Tuesday, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and 14 other civil rights organizations called on President Biden to pardon the former Baltimore prosecutor.

In a letter, the CEO of the NAACP wrote, in part: “The only thing Marilyn Mosby is guilty of is the desire to provide her family with a better life.” Mosby faces up to 40 years behind bars, but the district attorney has recommended 20.

A federal jury has convicted Mosby, 44, on federal charges of making a false mortgage application, but the jury acquitted her of making a false mortgage application related to her purchase of a home in Kissimmee, Florida.

The conviction was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Erek L. Barron.

According to the evidence presented at trial, in February 2021, Mosby made a false statement in an application for a $428,400 mortgage to purchase a condominium in Long Boat Key, Florida. 

As part of the application, Mosby falsely stated that she had received a $5,000 gift from her husband to be applied to the purchase of the property. According to the evidence presented at trial, Mosby made this statement in order to secure a lower interest rate. 

Mosby faces a maximum of 30 years in federal prison for making a false mortgage application. 

On November 9, 2023, Mosby was previously convicted on two counts of perjury relating to the withdrawal of funds from the City of Baltimore’s Deferred Compensation Plan, claiming that she suffered adverse financial consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic while she was Baltimore City State’s Attorney. 

Mosby faces a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison for each of the two counts of perjury.

U.S. District Judge Lydia K. Griggsby has not yet scheduled a sentencing date in either of Mosby’s pending federal cases.
